Monday, May 9, 2016

Exercise Induced Urticaria and Anaphylaxis

Have you ever experienced sever hives or rashes and you were unsure what the cause was? Well, many scientists have conducted experiments to this cause it is called Urticaria. Literally meaning hives or rashes. If the symptoms were to get severe you may be diagnosed with anaphylaxis which is just a more severe term of urticaria. If you already have urticaria you can overtime develop anaphylaxis. These diseases occur when histamine is released from the cells causing rashes or hives in that are. Other times hives will come around the face, neck, arms and all around the body. But others times when it is more severe air ways can be blocked and breathing will become difficult. Although this is not curable it can be treatable. Since histamine is being released which is causing the rashes and the hives you can guess, that you would be able to take an anti-histamine such as a Clartin-D, Allegra, or Zyrtec. You may be asking so how does this topic relate to what we have learned in Biology? Well, the cells in your body are apart of your immune system. When it fails you will get sick, right? We have learned about the evolution of cells what the purpose of cells are. When someone starts the symptoms of urticaria or anaphylaxis they need to be protected. The main way it to make sure that the patient carries around an epipen for safety. A patient is recored to have died without an epipen injected in less than 3-5 minutes. Utricaria and anaphylaxis should be well-known even if you don't have urticaria or anaphylaxis that doesn't mean you shouldn't be aware because in a few years the person next to you could be suffering.

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